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Salesforce C7 Bi-Directional Integration

Commerce 7 is the premier winery DTC platform. Our robust Salesforce integration enables you to see DTC data with Wholesale and other data on the Sales Cloud platform for a unified view of your winery.

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C7 Account Data Populated in Salesforce
C7 Account Data Populated in Salesforce
C7 Club Data Populated in Salesforce
Allocation Objects in Salesforce


This integration sends Commerce 7's DTC data into Salesforce where it can be combined with Wholesale data, resulting in unified sales and ERP data.  

This results in a full view of all winery activity, including inventory and sales analysis. 

In addition, we can push Salesforce data into Commerce 7, Eg. inventory quantity changes.

Using Commerce 7's webhooks, information is transferred lightning fast!


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App price does not include subscription to other software.


This app is built and supported by CRM For Wineries.