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TeraVina for Business Central Integration

Integrate with TeraVina, Oztera's own ERP Solution for Wineries. Built on Microsoft Dynamics, it manages all of the nuances inherent in winemaking, finance, and sales without bloated data entry processes.


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eCommerce Manager Rolecenter is used to assist with setup and management of the Comemrce7 Integration.
eCommerce Manager Rolecenter is used to assist with setup and management of the Comemrce7 Integration.
Download Items from Commerce7 and map the Skus to Items in Business Central.
Download Order information and process through the recommended action to product invoices, shipments, and credit memos in Business Central.


Enable one source of truth for all of your sales channels by integrating your Commerce7 website with TeraVina for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

  • Download items, customers and orders.
  • Seamlessly process orders, batch payments into A/R, and upload inventory.
  • Take advantage of Meta tags in C7 by translating them into reportable dimensions in your Business Central system.



App price does not include subscription to other software.


This app is built and supported by Oztera.